The testing laboratory of CCI LLC holds the leading position on the lab market especially in the field of quality tests of solid mineral fuel. It deals with a wide range of carbon-containing materials and performs the following tests:
Technical (general) analysis:
- general moisture;
- ash content;
- total sulfur;
- volatile-matter content;
- superior and inferior calorific value.
Elemental analysis:
- carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen;
- sulfur: pyrites, organic, sulfate;
- trace elements: chlorine, arsenic, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, etc.
Petrographic analysis:
- vitrinite reflectance index;
- maceral composition;
- oxidation.
Plastic properties of coals, coking ability:
- determination of plastometric indexes by Sapozhnikov plastometer (x, y);
- plastic properties on the Gieseler plastometer;
- coke type determination by Gray King;
- free swelling index;
- coal caking power of bituminous coal by Roga test.
Mechanical tests:
- grain size composition;
- Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI);
- mechanical strength;
- density (real and apparent);
- washability, indicators of float-and-sink analysis.
Other types of tests:
- ash chemical composition;
- ash fusion point;
- pH of an aqueous extract;
- reverse and active acidity of peat;
- coke reactivity index (CRI) and coke strength after reaction (CRS);
- number of other tests.